
ValidClick Editorial Display to Search (ED2S) ad units are designed to help you make more money from your site by showing users relevant hyperlinked keywords embedded in context.  When your users click on a keyword, they’re taken to a landing page that hosts ValidClick PPC ads.  When a user clicks on one of those ads, we share that revenue with you.

How it works:

There are two key parts of an ED2S implementation. We can work with you to customize each of these.

1. The Ad Unit: This is the code that serves the keywords and text.

2. The Landing Page: This is where the PPC ads actually show.

How to Implement:

Like our standard Java Script implementation, the ED2S unit consists of two pieces…the master script and a D2S block. The latter block serves to take all of the input variables for the ad units. The master script does all of the behind-the-scenes work to call and serve the ads. When you are approved and ready to go, your account manager will send you your specific code to implement. It will look a lot like the below:

1.  The eD2S Tag: This is the code that instructs the master script where to place the ad block on the page. This contains the a.) publisher affiliate ID used to track your revenue and b.) a numerical ID which represents your unique data category.


2. The Master Script: This is a single line of JavaScript that needs to be placed after every other ValidClick tag on the page. The best place to put this is just above the “</body>” tag. Here’s an example:

    <script src=""></script>

Have any questions?

We are here to help. Send us an email at and our team will get back to you.